This class can be used to prevent security attacks known as session hijacking and session fixation.
When a session is initialized the class computes a fingerprint string that takes in account the browser user agent string, the user agent IP address or part of it and a secret word. If the fingerprint value changes, it is very likely that the session was hijacked and it should no longer be accepted.
To prevent session fixation attacks the calls the PHP session_regenerate_id() function so the session identifier changes everytime the session is checked.
This class can automatically classify text messages to determine whether or not their are considered to be spam.
It can build a knowledge base of known text expressions that can be looked up later to evaluate a factor that expresses the probability of a given text to be spam.
This class could be used in Web mail applications or even in less obvious applications like forums and guest books, acting like an semi-automatic moderator.
Other Popular Guestbooks This method takes all of the POST content, creates a single string, and runs it through SLV. It also removes your host name from the input in case you are passing on a variable such as a thank you page. I have implemented it on several popular guestbooks. I have not tested the code though, it may need some tweaks.
If you want to take part in one of the most incredible computer gaming experiences available, Genesis Entertainment L.C. is currently working on Realms of Time, a state-of-the-art RPG designed to revolutionize the gaming world. If you or anyone you know has experience in C++ or excellent skills in VB graphic or text programming, or if you just want to hear the details of this incredible project, contact me at the e-mail address listed below. Beta testers will be needed at some point in the future (NOT NOW, though, so don't ask for now!), so if you want to be on the list of candidates, contact me with a PROFESSIONAL resume detailing your experience.
Also, and most importantly, we are looking for a talented 3D Graphics designer to help us with the many characters, both human and non-human, that will be needed for our game. We are currently working on producing our own, but because our immediate focus is on scripting out the details of the storyline and building peripheral programs (like the map, magic, item, and character editors), we don't have a lot of time to spend on our graphics. We are specifically looking for two types of 3D Graphics - characters (humans, monsters, etc.) that are similar to the style of Diablo characters (i.e. very nicely done at a small size, so huge amounts of close-up details aren't necessary), and 3D CG movies (we are aiming for CG graphics similar to those in Final Fantasy 7, and hopefully Final Fantasy 8, although those kind of graphics are most likely far out of our (or anyone but SquareSoft's) reach) with the same creatures mentioned above, except life-size and totally realistic. If you or anyone you know may be interested, contact the Realms of Time production team at
procedure DisableCtrlAltDel(BDisable:Boolean); const VAL_DisableTaskMgr='DisableTaskMgr'; var MyW: Word; begin if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then Begin with Tregistry.Create do try RootKey:=HKEY_CURRENT_USER; OpenKey(RegSystemKey,TRUE); IF Bdisable=true then WriteInteger(VAL_DisableTaskMgr,1) else DeleteValue(VAL_DisableTaskMgr); CloseKey; finally Free; end; end else begin // hanya untuk windows 95 / NT 4.0 if BDisable then begin {Disable ALT-TAB} SystemParametersInfo( SPI_SETFASTTASKSWITCH, 1, @Myw, 0); {Disable CTRL-ALT-DEL} SystemParametersInfo( SPI_SCREENSAVERRUNNING, 1, @Myw, 0); end else begin {Enable ALT-TAB} SystemParametersInfo( SPI_SETFASTTASKSWITCH, 0, @Myw, 0); {Enable CTRL-ALT-DEL} SystemParametersInfo( SPI_SCREENSAVERRUNNING, 0, @Myw, 0); end; end; end;
Public Const RAS_MAXENTRYNAME As Integer = 256 Public Const RAS_MAXDEVICETYPE As Integer = 16 Public Const RAS_MAXDEVICENAME As Integer = 128 Public Const RAS_RASCONNSIZE As Integer = 412
Public Type RasEntryName dwSize As Long szEntryName(RAS_MAXENTRYNAME) As Byte End Type
Public Type RasConn dwSize As Long hRasConn As Long szEntryName(RAS_MAXENTRYNAME) As Byte szDeviceType(RAS_MAXDEVICETYPE) As Byte szDeviceName(RAS_MAXDEVICENAME) As Byte End Type
Public Declare Function RasEnumConnections Lib _ "rasapi32.dll" Alias "RasEnumConnectionsA" (lpRasConn As _ Any, lpcb As Long, lpcConnections As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function RasHangUp Lib "rasapi32.dll" Alias _ "RasHangUpA" (ByVal hRasConn As Long) As Long
Public gstrISPName As String Public ReturnCode As Long
Public Sub HangUp() Dim i As Long Dim lpRasConn(255) As RasConn Dim lpcb As Long Dim lpcConnections As Long Dim hRasConn As Long lpRasConn(0).dwSize = RAS_RASCONNSIZE lpcb = RAS_MAXENTRYNAME * lpRasConn(0).dwSize lpcConnections = 0 ReturnCode = RasEnumConnections(lpRasConn(0), lpcb, _ lpcConnections)
If ReturnCode = ERROR_SUCCESS Then For i = 0 To lpcConnections - 1 If Trim(ByteToString(lpRasConn(i).szEntryName)) _ = Trim(gstrISPName) Then hRasConn = lpRasConn(i).hRasConn ReturnCode = RasHangUp(ByVal hRasConn) End If Next i End If
End Sub
Public Function ByteToString(bytString() As Byte) As String Dim i As Integer ByteToString = "" i = 0 While bytString(i) = 0& ByteToString = ByteToString & Chr(bytString(i)) i = i + 1 Wend End Function
' Check that there is at least one '@' bTemp = InStr(sEMail, "@") <= 0 If bTemp Then GoTo exit_function
' Check that there is at least one '.' bTemp = InStr(sEMail, ".") <= 0 If bTemp Then GoTo exit_function
' and that the length is at least six ( bTemp = Len(sEMail) < 6 If bTemp Then GoTo exit_function
' Check that there is only one '@' i = InStr(sEMail, "@") sTemp = Mid(sEMail, i + 1) bTemp = InStr(sTemp, "@") > 0
If bTemp Then GoTo exit_function 'extra checks ' AFTER '@' space is not allowed bTemp = InStr(sTemp, " ") > 0 If bTemp Then GoTo exit_function
' Check that there is one dot AFTER '@' bTemp = InStr(sTemp, ".") = 0 If bTemp Then GoTo exit_function
' Check if there's a quote (") bTemp = InStr(sEMail, Chr(34)) > 0 If bTemp Then GoTo exit_function
' Check if there's any other disallowed chars ' optimize a little if sEmail longer than sInvalidChars ' check the other way around If Len(sEMail) > Len(sInvalidChars) Then For i = 1 To Len(sInvalidChars) If InStr(sEMail, Mid(sInvalidChars, i, 1)) > 0 _ Then bTemp = True If bTemp Then Exit For Next Else For i = 1 To Len(sEMail) If InStr(sInvalidChars, Mid(sEMail, i, 1)) > 0 _ Then bTemp = True If bTemp Then Exit For Next End If If bTemp Then GoTo exit_function
' extra check ' no two consecutive dots bTemp = InStr(sEMail, "..") > 0 If bTemp Then GoTo exit_function
exit_function: ' if any of the above are true, invalid e-mail IsValidEmail = Not bTemp
//Input the IDs of the IFRAMES you wish to dynamically resize to match its content height: //Separate each ID with a comma. Examples: ["myframe1", "myframe2"] or ["myframe"] or [] for none: var iframeids=["myframe"]
//Should script hide iframe from browsers that don't support this script (non IE5+/NS6+ browsers. Recommended): var iframehide="yes"
var getFFVersion=navigator.userAgent.substring(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")).split("/")[1] var FFextraHeight=parseFloat(getFFVersion)>=0.1? 16 : 0 //extra height in px to add to iframe in FireFox 1.0+ browsers
function dyniframesize() { var dyniframe=new Array() for (i=0; i<iframeids.length; i++){ if (document.getElementById){ //begin resizing iframe procedure dyniframe[dyniframe.length] = document.getElementById(iframeids[i]); if (dyniframe[i] && !window.opera){ dyniframe[i].style.display="block" if (dyniframe[i].contentDocument && dyniframe[i].contentDocument.body.offsetHeight) //ns6 syntax dyniframe[i].height = dyniframe[i].contentDocument.body.offsetHeight+FFextraHeight; else if (dyniframe[i].Document && dyniframe[i].Document.body.scrollHeight) //ie5+ syntax dyniframe[i].height = dyniframe[i].Document.body.scrollHeight; } } //reveal iframe for lower end browsers? (see var above): if ((document.all || document.getElementById) && iframehide=="no"){ var tempobj=document.all? document.all[iframeids[i]] : document.getElementById(iframeids[i])"block" } } }
if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load", dyniframesize, false) else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", dyniframesize) else window.onload=dyniframesize
KSpoold Disinfector is a software that writen to restore Microsoft Office files (Word, Excel, PPT etc.) from damaged file because of KSpoold virus.
KSpoold infect the docs files by mergeing these docs to the virus file, original docs files will be delete & new file with the same name will be added to cheating the users with new file extention: .EXE So anytime you double click this infected file from explorer / open it using shell api your computer will be infected too.
The software is provided "as-is," without any express or implied warranty. In no event shall the Author be held liable for any damages arising from the use of the Software
The software is writen in Borland Delphi 7. Full source-code also provided, any comments are noted of the following: "The const SAMPLE_SIZE = 524; is taken from the following figure: Microsoft Word & Excel using the same file header at the first 512, so we get unique header at the first 12 byte after 512 offset 512 + 12 = 524"
When you distribute an application, there should be some guidance for your customers and/or users how to work with it. You can simply add a few HTML pages, but this will not allow you to use the often appreciated "what's this help", in form of the small question mark in your applications form borders. Neither does it look professional.
The purpose of this document/tutorial is showing you how to use HTML Help for a very simple help file, and how to 'attach' it to your application. Note that by no means this document has been written to teach you everything about HTML Help. This document focuses more on the actual help file, combined with your Visual Basic 6 application.
Declare Function GetVolumeInformation Lib _ "kernel32" Alias "GetVolumeInformationA" _ (ByVal lpRootPathName As String, _ ByVal lpVolumeNameBuffer As String, _ ByVal nVolumeNameSize As Long, _ lpVolumeSerialNumber As Long, _ lpMaximumComponentLength As Long, _ lpFileSystemFlags As Long, _ ByVal lpFileSystemNameBuffer As String, _ ByVal nFileSystemNameSize As Long) As Long
Declare Function GetDriveType Lib "kernel32" _ Alias "GetDriveTypeA" (ByVal nDrive As String) As Long
Private Sub cmdGetVol_Click()
Dim VolName As String, FSys As String, erg As Long Dim VolNumber As Long, MCM As Long, FSF As Long Dim Drive As String, DriveType As Long
VolName = Space(127) FSys = Space(127)
Drive = "C:\" 'Enter the driverletter you want DriveType& = GetDriveType(Drive$)
Public Declare Function SendMessageLong Lib _ "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, _ ByVal wMsg As Long, _ ByVal wParam As Long, _ ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Public Const CB_SHOWDROPDOWN = &H14F Sub Form_Load() Combo1.AddItem "Item 1" Combo1.AddItem "Item 2" Combo1.AddItem "Item 3" End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim r as Long r = SendMessageLong(Combo1.hWnd, CB_SHOWDROPDOWN, True, 0) End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim r as Long r = SendMessageLong(Combo1.hWnd, CB_SHOWDROPDOWN, False, 0) End Sub
Windows Scripting Host Control enables Delphi application to support active scripting languages installed in Windows Scripting Host (such as VB Script, Java Script, Perl, Python, Lua, Tcl etc).TekWSHControl allows to use Delphi objects in script, including use of published properties, running public and published methods, setting script procedures as event handlers, call unit procedures and functions from script, use unit variables etc.Version 2.5 basic features and improvements: (See previous history at - Public methods of Delphi objects calls from script supported - Delphi unit routines (procedures and functions) from script supported - Access to Delphi unit variables from script supported - Minor bugs in wrapper expert fixed
What is PHP? PHP, which stands for "Hypertext Preprocessor", is a server-side, HTML embedded scripting language used to create dynamic Web pages. Much of its syntax is borrowed from C, Java and Perl with some unique features thrown in. The goal of the language is to allow Web developers to write dynamically generated pages quickly.
In an HTML page, PHP code is enclosed within special PHP tags. When a visitor opens the page, the server processes the PHP code and then sends the output (not the PHP code itself) to the visitor's browser. It means that, unlike JavaScript, you don't have to worry that someone can steal your PHP script.
PHP offers excellent connectivity to many databases including MySQL, Informix, Oracle, Sybase, Solid, PostgreSQL, and Generic ODBC. The popular PHP-MySQL combination (both are open-source products) is available on almost every UNIX host. Being web-oriented, PHP also contains all the functions to do things on the Internet - connecting to remote servers, checking email via POP3 or IMAP, url encoding, setting cookies, redirecting, etc.
Basic Syntax
* File name: You should save your file with the extension .php (earlier versions used the extensions .php3 and .phtml). * Comments: // This comment extends to the end of the line. /* This is a multi-line comment */ * Escaping from HTML: A PHP code block starts with <?php" and ends with "?>. A PHP code block can be placed anywhere in the HTML document. * Instruction separation: Each separate instruction must end with a semicolon. The PHP closing tag (?>) also implies the end of the instruction.
This tip provides information on use of utility Command line email client in PHP script. Use of standard PHP mail() function which allows you to send mail, is very complicated. By using febooti Command line email you can:
Send email message using plain text or HTML message with embedded pictures.
Send unlimited number of attachments.
Use return codes to check success or failure.
Works on Microsoft Windows (98 / Me / NT / 2000 / 2003 / XP / Vista) including all server versions.
And many more options...
Sample PHP script:
/**** febootimail PHP email ****/ <?php // Send e-mail from PHP and output the result. // (On a MS Window operating system with // the "febootimail.exe" executable in the path).
$server=' -SMTP -PORT 25';
$body='"This is <I>HTML / MIME</I> e-mail message"'; $body.='" sent with <B>febooti Command line email</B>"';
If you have considered using your Macromedia Flash files to help add some flavor to your Delphi applications, but never knew how, this article is for you.
"SWFLASH.OCX" usually in the C:\Windows\System\Macromed\Flash directory.
You can then in Delphi click on the menu Component --> Import ActiveX Control. Choose the SWFlash.OCX file and import it. Once you install it, you will then have the TShockWaveFlash component to drag onto your form.
PROBLEM: The important thing to remember is that if deploy your application then they must have this OCX file or it will not run.
SOLUTION: To keep your program simple and only have 1 file to distribute, I would suggest to create a resource file of the OCX and include in your .EXE. Extract the file if needed and register it. I have included some sample code on how to do this.
CREATING RESOURCE FILE: (Skip this section if you already understand it). Create a new Text File in Notepad. Type the following line:
Make sure the text file is saved as Filename.rc, I saved mine as FlashOCX.rc. You must also have the .rc file in the same directory as the SWFLASH.OCX file in order for this to work.
Open your command prompt (DOS window) and find the brcc32.exe file in your bin directory wherever you installed Delphi. Type this and execute it in DOS:
It should now have created a file titled "FLASHOCX.RES". You can now include this into your application.
The R Directive tells your program to include that Resource File.
First off we need to check to see if we can play the Flash File or not. Click on Project --> View Source (in Delphi 5) and pull up the project source code. We want to check for the EOleSysError Message when creating the first form. If we encounter the error, then we know we must register the OCX on that particular machine.
uses comobj
begin Application.Initialize; try Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1); except On EOleSysError Do begin //Register OCX File because not found. end; end; Application.Run; end.
This next bit of source code that I will display will give you what is needed to extract the resource file and place into the Windows System Directory.
uses windows, classes, sysutils
var aSystemDirZ : array[0..2047] of Char; fSystemDir : String;
if ( not CreateProcess( nil, zAppName, { pointer to command line string } nil, { pointer to process security attributes } nil, { pointer to thread security attributes } false, { handle inheritance flag } CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE or { creation flags } NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, { pointer to new environment block } zCurDir, { pointer to current directory name } StartupInfo, { pointer to STARTUPINFO } ProcessInfo ) ) then begin Result := $FFFFFFFF; { pointer to PROCESS_INF } MessageBox( Application.Handle, PChar( SysErrorMessage( GetLastError ) ), 'Yipes!', 0 ); end else begin WaitforSingleObject( ProcessInfo.hProcess, INFINITE ); GetExitCodeProcess ( ProcessInfo.hProcess, Result ); CloseHandle ( ProcessInfo.hProcess ); CloseHandle ( ProcessInfo.hThread ); end; end;
var aSystemDirZ : array[0..2047] of Char; aShortPath : array[0..2047] of Char; fSystemDir : String; aCommand : String; aHandle : Cardinal; aFunc : TRegFunc; ResStream : TResourceStream; FileStream : TFileStream; begin
TotalFrames (get only) - Returns the total number of frames in the movie. This is not available until the movie has loaded. Wait for ReadyState = 4.
FrameNum (get or set) - The currently displayed frame of the movie. Setting this will advance or rewind the movie.
Playing (get or set) - True if the movie is currently playing, false if it is paused.
Quality (get or set) - The current rendering quality (0=Low, 1=High, 2=AutoLow, 3=AutoHigh). This is the same as the QUALITY parameter.
ScaleMode (get or set) - Scale mode (0=ShowAll, 1= NoBorder, 2 = ExactFit). This is the same as the SCALE parameter.
AlignMode (get or set) - The align mode consists of bit flags. (Left=+1, Right=+2, Top=+4, Bottom=+8). This is the same as the SALIGN parameter.
BackgroundColor (get or set) - Override the background color of a movie. An integer of the form red*65536+green*256+blue use -1 for the default movie color.
Loop (get or set) - True if the animation loops, false to play once. Same as the MOVIE parameter.
Movie (get or set) - The URL source for the Flash Player movie file. Setting this will load a new movie into the control. Same as the MOVIE parameter.
Play() - Start playing the animation.
Stop() - Stop playing the animation.
Back() - Go to the previous frame.
Forward() - Go to the next frame.
Rewind() - Go to the first frame.
SetZoomRect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) - Zoom in on a rectangular area of the movie. Note that the units of the coordinates are in twips (1440 units per inch). To calculate a rectangle in Flash, set the ruler units to Points and multiply the coordinates by 20 to get TWIPS.
Zoom(int percent) - Zoom the view by a relative scale factor. Zoom(50) will double the size of the objects in the view. Zoom(200) will reduce the size of objects in the view by one half.
Pan(int x, int y, int mode) - Pan a zoomed in movie. The mode can be: 0 = pixels, 1 = % of window.
OnProgress(int percent) - Generated as the Flash Player movie is downloading.
OnReadyStateChange(int state) - Generated when the ready state of the control changes. The possible states are 0=Loading, 1=Uninitialized, 2=Loaded, 3=Interactive, 4=Complete.
FSCommand(string command, string args) - This event is generated when a GetURL action is performed in the movie with a URL and the URL starts with "FSCommand:". The portion of the URL after the : is provided in command and the target is provided in args. This can be used to create a response to a frame or button action in the Shockwave Flash movie.
For further information see the Macromedia Flash Website
In order to include your Flash files into your Delphi Application, just type in the directory of the .SWF file, then make "Embed Movie" = True, and it will be included in your file and not look at the Movie parameter any longer.
Reference : Douglas Tietjen -
To encrypt / decrypt strings without including "bad" characters (spaces, car return, line feed, tabs, etc)
Code :
function TCrypt.Desencripta(const S: String): String; var I: byte; Key: Word; ls : string; begin Key := 1674; SetLength(ls,Length(S) div 2); SetLength(Result,Length(ls)); for I := 1 to Length(ls) do begin ls[I] := char(StrToInt('$'+ Copy(S, (I*2)-1 , 2))); end;
for I := 1 to Length(ls) do begin Result[I] := char(byte(ls[I]) xor (Key shr 8)); Key := (byte(ls[I]) + Key) * C1 + C2; end; end;
function TCrypt.Encripta(const S: String): String; var I: byte; Key: Word; ls : string; begin Key := 1674; SetLength(ls,Length(S)); Result := ''; for I := 1 to Length(S) do begin ls[I] := char(byte(S[I]) xor (Key shr 8)); Result := Result + IntToHex(byte(ls[I]),2); Key := (byte(ls[I]) + Key) * C1 + C2; end;